13 September 2011

Pros and Cons of Handwritten Notes

There are benefits and disadvantages to both handwritten and typed notes. This post we will cover everything about handwritten notes. First of all, there are studies which have concluded that people can read their own handwriting better than typeface or another's written work. So one point for handwritten notes. However, on the other end of the spectrum, handwriting, especially during a lecture can get messy and difficult to read. But it is simpler to carry around a spiral notebook and pen than dealing with a laptop. The score is two points for writing out notes, one point against, and we still need to take personal preference into consideration.

I asked a group of people why they prefer handwritten notes and the answers were all fairly similar. Basically writing notes on paper allow students to hold something tangible compared to a computer screen. Also, by writing out notes, a student is able to draw graphs or pictures to help clarify points. We are up to four points pro writing notes, however these points are all assuming that the handwriting is actually legible. If the handwriting is poor it will end up taking more time and effort deciphering what was written than actually learning the material.

Creative Commons License
Revision Notes by jez' is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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